BLUR was an instant sensation with many crypto individuals making life-changing money from their airdrops in Season 1. The average BLUR airdrop for Season 1 accounted for nearly 2,827 $BLUR, which was about $3000 at the time.
Now that Season 2 has started, speculators are wondering how high $BLUR can go, and how much $BLUR they can receive.
Here are some tips to maximize your $BLUR return for Season 2.
Also Read: The NFT Marketplace War Between Opensea And BLUR
Firstly, What Exactly is BLUR?
Blur is a decentralized advanced NFT marketplace. They adopt a strategy that incentivizes creator royalties with $BLUR tokens.
$BLUR also has more advanced trading features which is perfect for people looking to “day-trade” NFTs on a daily basis. $BLUR has an improved UI/UX experience, easy access to sweeping floors, and fast access to NFT reveals.
Web2 me vs Web3 me
— Pacman | (@PacmanBlur) February 22, 2023
A thread 🧵
BLUR’s unconventional strategy has lead to this thing known as marketplace wars centered around royalties, with OpenSea needing to adapt to stay relevant. It didn’t help that OpenSea acquired the aggregator, which is now obsolete thanks to new innovative products in the NFT space.
How Does $BLUR Allocate Airdrops?
The BLUR Airdrop can be earned by placing bids on NFTs that are listed on the platform. The interesting thing about bidding is you can’t actually select a “preferred NFT”, but rather bid on floor NFTs.
For example, if you place a bid at 0.2 ETH, you cannot choose which NFT you want, but rather its up to the seller to choose if they want to accept you 0.2 ETH bid.
This leads to an interesting concept as in order to earn $BLUR points, users have to place bids that are close to or higher than the floor price, which leads to appreciation of NFT floor prices as users fight against each other to earn as many points as well.
A common strategy was to utilize as many BLUR tools as possible, such as listing, bidding, laddering, etc, in order to earn as many points as possible in Season 1. However, these strategies differ significantly as compared to Season 2.
So how do you farm in Season 2?
It’s no wonder that Season 2 will be a chance for many people who missed out the first initial airdrop to participate in earning some huge rewards in $BLUR. recently released the tokenomics for Season 2, with 300M + BLUR being distributed to the community in Season 2.
300M+ BLUR will be distributed to the community in Season 2.
— Blur (@blur_io) February 21, 2023
What’s the secret to maximizing rewards? Loyalty.
Users with 100% loyalty have the highest chances of Mythical Care Packages, which are worth 100x Uncommon Care Packages.
Here are 3 ways to maximize your loyalty👇
The most interesting thing about this season is that loyalty is key in order to earn the most rewards. But there are several other ways apart from just loyalty to maximise your ROI with this airdrop farming.
Here are some tips:
1. Never take losses
You may have noticed that huge players such as machibigbrother.eth and franklinisbored.eth often mass purchase NFTs and sell into the floor at a huge loss in order to amass a huge amount of points.
For people with less than 10 ETH, this is not advisable. The issue is that doing this strategy not only requires a massive amount of ETH, but also means spending an insane amount of ETH on gas for accepting bids. (Bids cost about 3-5x more than a normal swap on Uniswap)
The concept of this farming method is that long-term $BLUR rewards will be more than enough to cover the losses realized during this farming period. The issue is that everyone would be rushing to sell $BLUR during the airdrop, meaning racking close to a few $ETH in gas fees to sell it at an optimal price.
A better strategy would be to flip the NFTs normally while still farming BLUR points. This can be done in a few hours.

For example, this flip was done on BLUR, and was still profitable despite being sold in under an hour.
2. Maximize your loyalty
Loyalty is incredibly important in Season 2. You may be an expert farmer but having higher loyalty would ensure that you get the rarest lootboxes, or the most amount of $BLUR tokens possible.
In Season 1, there were 4 types of lootboxes that could be earned, with “mythical care packages” containing the most points. Although the exact parameters is not stated, maximizing loyalty would give you the best chance for a much better ROI.
- <50% loyalty = low luck;
- 50-90% loyalty = medium luck;
- 90-97% loyalty = high luck; and
- 97%+ loyalty = very high luck

3. Listing and bidding your NFTs strategically
Similar to Season 1, listing or bidding your NFTs nearer to the floor price means earning more points, as you are taking on more “risk”.
In a gathering of offers, the ones with the most elevated “risk” will procure the most points.
For example, in the event that an NFT’s base cost is 1.01 and there are 100 offers at 1 while your bid is at 0.99, you won’t get many points in light of the fact that there are 100 offers in front of you at a greater cost.
Nonetheless, if you bid 1.01, you will take more risk by offering more than others, bringing about more points and possibly more $BLUR.
The longer your bid remains there, the more points you will get until it sold. It’s important to note that bids remain there until you cancel them, so do remember to check all of your bids regularly to make sure you are not overpaying for an NFT.
4. Use as many BLUR features as possible
Trying all of BLURs different features is key when trying to maximize for points in the $BLUR airdrop.

For example, use the floor price, top trait and ladder feature when listing NFTs to maximise your points while listing as close as possible to the floor.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, try not to fade crypto opportunities as these often have pretty good ROI’s. While many of us faded Season 1, Season 2 is a great opportunity to earn some potential higher rewards.

Furthermore, while Blur saw a massive spike in trading volume following S1, trading volume has been dying down over the last few months. This could represent an opportune time for anyone who is trying to maximize for potential $BLUR airdrops.